
Adams Alford Anderson Atkins Bastin Baugh
Bruce Boatman Brockman Carrier Caldwell Castle
Caudill Charlemagne Charles I Chisum Cunningham Count of Flanders
Daugherty DeBruce DeClare Delaney Douglas Downing
East English Estes Falconberry Fleming Floyd
Gerlington Gooch Hall Hatcher Henry III Henry the Fowler
Hensley Hicks Holbrook Hollingsworth Houston Hubbard
Hutchinson Jenkins King of France King of Scotland King of Wales Pittman
Lay Louis VII Lyon McCormack McMullen Mullins
Murphy Newell Owens Parker Philippi Polly
Porter Reed Rogers Routin Salyers Scarborough
Sims Singleton, W Singleton, C Shipley Smith Stringer
Tarter Terry Trimble Wall Young Sam Houston
George Bush John Chisum John Mullins John Hicks Lady Godiva Countess Godiva
Hugh II Count of Tours Conan I Sir Ingelram Duke of Normandy Abraham Lincoln Matthew Floyd, Soldier 
King of Wessex John Rolfe Chief Powhatan Holdaway William T. " Bloody Bill"  Anderson
Pocahontas/Bolling Chris Stapleton Charles Manson    
Loretta Lynn Sir william Hawkins Pocahontas/Trimble    

Article about Lola Hubbard 1937

  The Royal Palm's Train

      Article about Charles Carrier     Matthew Floyd,  Preacher

All drawings are the property of Lanny Hubbard
 For a copy of any Drawing
Contact Me at  lroyhub_49@hotmail.com  or lhubbard@myhubbardmtn.com